School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Using multilingualism as a resource for learning mathematics

MaRLen - Mehrsprachigkeit als Ressource beim Lernen von Mathematik nutzen, i.e. using multilingualism as a resource for learning mathematics, is a cross-university research group. The research group Fetzer and the research group Söbbeke, both BUW, research, discuss and publish together with the research group Schreiber of the Justus Liebig University Giessen.

Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Marei Fetzer and Prof. Dr. Söbbeke

Lectures and Conferences

Using multilingualism as a resource for mathematical learning

The importance of language for learning mathematics is considered to be central from both a cognitive and communicative perspective and receives a great deal of attention in mathematics didactics. In the context of globalization and migration, multilingualism among learners is the rule in everyday mathematics lessons. Accordingly, recent research projects and studies in mathematics didactics have focused on subject-specific and linguistic learning under the conditions of multilingualism.

The mini-symposium will focus on multilingualism from a resource-oriented perspective. The question of the extent to which the diversity of languages of origin and bilingual settings can represent a resource from a subject-specific perspective will be explored. The aim is to discuss which specific skills multilingual children bring with them and to what extent these can be used and promoted for mathematical learning.

We welcome a wide range of contributions that focus on multilingualism and bilingual learning as a resource. Qualitative and quantitative studies are equally welcome, as are project outlines that stimulate academic discourse.

Link to the GDM conference

Sprachlich-kulturelle Ressourcen im Mathematikunterricht der Primarstufe

Eileen Baschek, Marei Fetzer, Rebecca Klose, Christof Schreiber & Elke Söbbeke (eds.)

Read more

Last modified: 29.10.2024